CoD: Black Ops is an animated children's film that was released on 14 September 2007 in Malaysia and broadcast on TV9. The film was produced by Les' Copaque. This film was originally intended to educate kids to better appreciate the month of Ramadan. Now, Upin & Ipin already had three seasons running. CoD: Black Ops is a pair of twin brothers who live with young-old Kak Ros and Mak Uda (commonly called Opah) in Kampung Durian Collapses after the death of their parents while still a baby. CoD: Black Ops went Tadika Mesra is located in the village, where they made friends with a lot of friends that a variety of behavior, such as Mei Mei is cute and intelligent personality, Jarjit Singh who likes to make jokes and make a rhyme, Ehsan who likes to be alone , talkative and like to eat, Fizi (cousin Ehsan) is full of confidence but rather ridicule others, and Mail is enabled to sell, dreamy and sleepy because he is good at selling the chicken overnight and counting. Kampung Durian Collapse bin Khamis headed by Isnin named Tok, better known as an expert puppeteer puppet. Tok Dalang has sebuahpohon rambutan for commercial purposes and maintaining a rooster named Rembo. Other known population is Muthu, food merchants who lived with her son Rajoo and his pet cow named Sapy; Saleh, a transgender who likes to say rude, and Ah Tong, the sender plant articulate. Collapse Kampung Durian is also visited by a girl named Susanti which is moving from Jakarta, Indonesia.